Christian Coffee Lounge
When the Lord gave us the Bethel Church building, there were also 2 other buildings on the property. One of these buildings was renovated into a kitchen and coffee lounge for multi-purpose ministries.
God provided for some of the renovations of this building from a church youth group in Holland. They spent many hours raising the funds, and then personally coming and helping out with the work. The story of God’s provision is briefly told in ‘Dying Buildings, Living Stones’.
The Church Fellowship meets in the Coffee Lounge after the service each Sunday. Because of the travelling distance between the villages for most of those coming to church, Sunday is the only day that many of the Church people can meet. Phone calls and cars are scarce for our church people, so the Sunday fellowship time after church is very important.
The English School uses the Coffee Lounge each week for its ministry, which seems to be a great drawing card for people to enter the Church’s property because of its non-threatening atmosphere. The Lounge can comfortably accommodate 80 students.
The Coffee Lounge is also open to the community one afternoon during the week for free coffee, cookies, board games or a chat. The church people use this time as a meeting place for those they have met and want to share their faith in a relaxed atmosphere. It opens before the English School begins, so conversational English is often available in this time as well.