June 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
We are grateful for the different groups that have already come to help minister here at the mission (and also for the groups that will still be coming this summer!) The very beginning of every May we have for several years now had a group of teenagers/young adults come from Holland to help us with any work that is needed to be done. It is always a pleasure having them here and we are grateful for their hard work and being willing to do whatever is asked of them.

Another group that also comes each year is an American group of women affiliated with the Military in Germany. This team has come for several years now with a medical team…and it was not until (literally) the last moment that they were able to know for sure that a medical team would be able to come. The team was smaller than in the past, and instead of going out into the different villages, they remained here at the mission and ministered to the people here. The Lord truly blessed their time here and the ladies were able to give not only medical attention to the Polish people…but they were able to take their hands and pray for them as well! There were people who were truly touched by this gift of love and we believe that Jesus was loving on them through these special ladies! There were other teams as well that came with this group, and as with the Holland group, they came to serve and did so with cheerful attitudes. A very special treat was being able to invite children from the Children’s Home to the mission’s clothing room to be able to choose clothing for themselves. These children normally are not able to pick out their own clothing, and they were so excited to be able to choose from such nice clothing! To see the joy on their faces was such a blessing.

This last Sunday we had our annual Church picnic where those in our church are encouraged to bring friends. After the service there is a time of fellowship and eating grilled Polish sausages and dishes people have brought from home…followed by a time for the younger children with an egg (filled with candies) hunt….then followed by several lawn games for the children as well as the young at heart. It is always a wonderful time of fellowship both with those who attend church regularly, as well as those who have been invited by their friends/family.

We would also like to make sure you know about a couple of special ministry opportunities we will have in July that we would appreciate your prayers for. First there is what is called Lato Agatowe (it is a summer festival in our town) and each year we are able to go as a mission and have 2 hours of stage time where a group from our church does drama and Christian songs. At the same time there is also a group that is set up near the stage and does free face painting. It is our prayer that as parents bring their children by for the face painting, that they will also be drawn to the Christ centered time on stage and that the Lord would touch their hearts in a special way. This festival will take place July 15-17.
We also have our summer VBS (Vacation Bible School) that will be the last week of July. This is always very well received by the community in that it draws large numbers of children. Each day i s filled with lots of fun with lots of different games, crafts, smaller group times and most importantly being able to share Spiritual truths with so many children (as well as many parents who attend with their kids). Please pray that the eyes of their hearts would be opened…and for those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus…that the Lord would be drawing them to Himself!
Thank you so much for those of you who pray and/or support the mission in a variety of ways! We are not able to mention every group that comes and is such a blessing to us…but please know how much we appreciate each and every one of you!
With love and thankfulness,
From all the Staff of Elim Christian Mission