March 2010
“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”
Psalm 75:1
Dear Friends,
Greetings to each of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive our lateness in getting this newsletter out. It is our desire to update you more frequently during the year as we value your prayers, encouragement and support in the different ministries that go out from Elim Christian Mission.
It is a blessing to have been given many different opportunities to be able to show the love of Christ to the many children, youth and adults/families who come to the mission and/or church to be ministered to! The children and their families from the Lunch Feeding Program were able to come to a Christmas program to hear of Christ’s love for them…and also to receive Christmas presents from brothers and sisters across the border. Each child was excited to receive these gifts…but even more important was being given the opportunity to share Jesus with these families and the true reason for the season!

There was a group who gave enough food and necessities to give 40+ of the poorer families in our area food packages for the holidays (along with a group who gave an wonderful amount of cheese both for these families as well as many others!). This group has provided food for several years now and is such a blessing to these families who have so little.

A new highlight this year was with a photographer from across the border who came to the mission and took family photos of many of the poorer families from our area and church. This was such a blessing because none of these families have ever been able to have a professional portrait taken of their family! Now when you go into their homes, you can see beautiful framed photos of their families proudly displayed!

There was a special Christmas Eve Dinner for the mission families as well as families in our area/church who do not have family, or the means to have a nice Christmas dinner. It is also truly a highlight to be able to bless both the elderly in the Care Home and children in the Children’s Home with beautiful gifts and lots of love! May the Lord show them just how much they are loved!

It is always a joy for us as a mission to see lives being changed and to be able to marvel as a number our young adults have been led by the Lord through the years to further their education at Christian Schools. Recent examples of those who are pursuing Christian studies are Sylwia who first started coming to the mission many years ago through the Lunch Feeding Program. She is now in her 1st of 2 years in a Bible School here in Poland. Then there is Karolina, who also started coming to the mission and church as a young child and came to know the Lord in Sunday School. Karolina is in the United States in her second year of Bible School there. Magda, who initially started coming to the Church and mission several years ago through the English School Ministry is currently serving at the mission and praying about her future and seeking God on whether Bible School is part of the Lord’s plan for her life. It is such a joy to see our young people grow up with heart’s that desire to follow the Lord in the plans He has for their lives.
An exciting new series of women’s programs for this year has recently been started. The first of these ministry opportunities was evangelistic in nature and very well received by the community! God brought in over a 100 women from the region, ranging from shop owners to the very poor. He touched many hearts and we are praying that God will bring many of these women back to join in the ongoing women’s program throughout the year.
A Dance School Ministry is another exciting new ministry that has been on the heart of Katie Herweynen. Katie loves dance and wanted to use it for Jesus and believes that the Lord has given her a vision to reach out to the street girls and non-Christians using free dance lessons. During this time she, and some of the church youth, share their faith in Christ in conjunction with the dance lessons being given. It is a growing ministry and has since led her into the Children’s Home to teach the special needs kids also. This group also works with the younger children through the church. Through this ministry we have seen the youth group and church attendance growing as well as spiritual interests and some commitments to Christ. Please pray for those nurturing these girls that the seeds being planted will in fact grow and produce fruit…fruit that will last!

The joy of changed lives has unfortunately also been followed by times of sadness as well. We have recently had a few of our church members who were actively involved in ministry leave the Lord. One member left his wife for a non-believer and very sadly, his parents who were also active in the church accepted the woman into the family. It has been heartbreaking to see them throw away the standard of Gods Word for the sake of a supporting immorality. It has been a loss also because these people have been active in ministry to those in the Care Home for many years. The devil does not sleep.
Another woman who was seeking shelter at the mission and who had made a decision to follow Christ a few years ago also left Jesus for an immoral relationship. She has four children and is now in the mental asylum.
In spite of this sadness of those who have not persevered…it remains such a joy to be able to minister to so many people in such a variety of ways. Whatever ministry opportunity we have been given…our ultimate desire is for these children and families to see the love of Christ and to desire a personal relationship with the One who calls all men unto Himself.
Thank you for your support and please continue to pray for those the Lord places in our lives and ministries!!!
May God bless each and every one of you!
The Staff of Elim Christian Mission
Lwowek Slaski, Poland
Prayer/Praise Points
Please pray in these days that Christians will not seek an easy walk in their faith and that we can stand up when the time comes to choose Jesus and to choose Gods Word above the emotions and understandings of the mind. We are now praying and seeking Gods direction as to how to equip our church family to be strengthened and prepare for the ongoing schemes of the devil.
Please pray for Gods Wisdom for Elim Staff and church leaders as they seek God and His will and way for the ongoing ministry.
Praise as Tomek, Gosia and Natan Kulanica rejoice in the newest addition to their family! Emma Rebeka was born on January 28th weighing 3.95 kg. What a blessing she is to her family as well as the mission!

Praise as a couple of missionaries are studying further to help them in their service to the Lord here through Elim. This is quite encouraging!
The Herweynen family is preparing for a wedding on April 10th at Betel Church for their youngest son Richard and his sweetheart of 5 years – a lovely Polish girl who lives in North Poland. Their three boys, as well as a few other family members from Australia will all be here for the wedding! It is an exciting event for everyone! Richard and his bride Monika will live in Australia after their wedding and honeymoon!