September 2008
“That both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together”
John 4:36
Dear Family and Friends,
This newsletter we want to share with you something of the blessing God pours on us through camps which come here to Elim during the summer. We are so blessed to have the facilities to offer these groups.
In mid-June a group of American High School students and their leaders came for 6 days. The aim of that camp was twofold, to both serve here at Elim in a variety of ways and to learn more of walking with the Lord in their daily lives. In their service here they did a variety of jobs. Some went to the museum building where they used hot-air guns and hard work to strip layers of paint off doors and window frames. At the church they spent time helping clean the church and work in the grounds. At Elim they were willing to do anything asked of them be it cleaning the evangelism bus, gardening or whatever was needed. In the early morning and in the evening each day they spent time being taught and sharing with one another to encourage each other in their walk with Jesus.

For seven years now we have been blessed each year by having a Discipleship Camp here at Elim. This camp for Polish young people between the ages of 17 and 25 began their six weeks of teaching and practical service in the first week of July. They followed a rigorous schedule each day, beginning early with physical exercise before having their personal time with the Lord. During the mornings they had teaching by their leaders or visiting teachers. In the afternoons they served in the community in a variety of ways: providing free English lessons accompanied by bible studies, visiting the hospice center, the old folks’ homes, playing with the children in the orphanage and helping needy people in the community referred by the city welfare department. On Saturdays they picked up trash throughout the community and washed store windows in the downtown area. All of these ministries were to demonstrate the love of Christ to the community in practical ways. During their ministry, the youth often found many opportunities to share their faith and pray for those whom they were serving.
Their first weekend was spent at the annual Summer Festival in Lwowek where they joined Elim staff and church folk in ministry. It is so amazing to have a Christian presence during this festival, and the opportunities that it affords to share what God can do in our lives.

Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) was held in the last week of July and the young people of the Discipleship Camp entered fully into the activities and teaching during the VBS. This year the VBS was held at the church for the first time. On the first day about 100 children and youth came together with parents, some grandparents and babies and toddlers. By Friday the attendance was about 200 and we rejoice with the angels over the ones who gave their lives to the Lord. One special time during each afternoon was the time spent in small groups where a more personal interaction and sharing can occur.

Three other camps during the summer have been here and had their own programs and teaching.
The first of these was a group of Christian musicians who had been involved in a big music festival and they came here for a time of refreshment and teaching. Although the festival was not a Christian festival most of the organizers were and there were many young people who made decisions for Christ during the weekend.
The next camp was from a church to the north east of Elim. Essentially the camp was for the children and youth of the church for teaching and training in Christian living, beginning with their personal time with the Lord. Our facilities for games and relaxing were well used.
The third camp was from Belarus where the evangelical church is under pressure from the established church and the government. For them, this is a wonderful time of being together and being able to teach eternal truths freely in a supportive environment. At home they could not meet in this way, they cannot even hire a hall for their church meetings – their solution is to buy a large home and meet there, sometimes sitting, within earshot of the preacher, but in a hallway facing a blank wall. Because they came in a bus which remained at Elim for the duration of the camp they were also able to see something of the beautiful countryside around us.
We are so thankful to each of these groups as well as the countless others who come here and give of themselves so that others may know the Lord through them
Blessings in Christ,
Elim Christian Mission
Lwowek Slaski, Poland
Ken and Giselle, Katie and Sarah have returned from their time of refreshment in Australia.
Pawel and Judy are back from the United States where they have mixed holiday time with traveling to visit family, friends and supporters and to share about the Lord’s work in this part of Poland.
Elim folk had the joy of the wedding of Lidka’s son, Krystian and his bride, Gosia, here at Bethel Church. Krystian and Gosia are working together to plant a church in the north of Poland.

Robert and Aneta’s twin sons are progressing well now and we all rejoice in this. Jonatan and Daniel were born 2 months premature. They are now 7 months old and Jonatan is quite healthy and Daniel has anemia. They are both receiving daily in home physical therapy to help strengthen their bodies. Please pray for them and for Robert and Aneta to have perseverance in keeping up with the boy’s therapy.

Marian and Malgosia, along with the other staff who have remained here during the summer, have cheerfully shared the responsibilities of the work here.
Tomek and Gosia continue to lead the youth work and help in pastoring the church. Over the summer months Tomek shared the preaching with visiting preachers.
Keith and Shirley Jeans have returned to Australia after spending their summer here at the mission filling in for those who have been away. We appreciate their faithfulness to the mission and continued desire to be a part of what the Lord is doing here through it.
Caryn and Robyn Coles have also returned to Tennessee, USA after serving here for the past 10 months. We appreciate their faithfulness as well, in giving of them selves in such a sacrificial way