April 2011
“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalm 73:25-26
Dear Family and Friends,
On behalf of the staff of Elim Christian Mission we would like to take this opportunity to update you on some of the more recent happenings of what the Lord has been doing here through the mission outreach programs!
Thank you so very much for your ongoing encouragement, prayers and support. We also wish to thank those of you who prayed for the ministry opportunity we had with Keith Coast, the Christian entertainer/evangelist a couple of weeks ago! We had a great turn out with children from the mission sponsored Kids Club attending, from the feeding program, a large group of special needs children from the Government Children’s Home, as well as many other children and parents from the community. Praise the Lord!
Keith did a wonderful job sharing Christian truths through the telling of the story of Jonah in the whale, as well as through the use of illusion and good clean entertainment! It was a joy to look around at the many children, parents and adults who were laughing and very attentive throughout the whole program! We are so thankful to the Lord to have times like these where we can have not only our children come to these outreach events, (whom we minister to on a weekly basis) but also to be able to minister to t hose from the community. These are times for many to experience Gods Grace and His input into their hearts and lives with the message of Salvation, Love, Hope and Joy. Our prayer is that the Lord would open the eyes of their hearts in His time, so that they would truly come to know and see Him in a personal way!

We also had a special lady come from the American Military community in Germany, who felt led to share with some of our Polish women how to make ‘Rag Rugs’. These are hand made rugs where scrap material is used to weave into rugs. (she supplied all the frames and in order to make them) She was able to teach a few of the ladies from the mission and community. This particular project is very much in its infancy and we are praying that the Lord would show us in the next few months what kind of direction this ministry will take. This would possibly be another opportunity (in addition to the Nativity Set ministry) to help meet the needs of those in our area who are less fortunate. For more information on the Nativity Set ministry please see www.elimcenter.pl

The Lord continues to provide for our needs in such a variety of ways. We praise Him for His Faithfulness! There was a large supply of plaster board that was recently donated by some German friends which will be used for various renovations within the mission, as well as being able to be used by those in need. Some Dutch friends recently visited and generously donated specialized equipment with things such as a couple of electric three wheel scooters and some wheel chairs and walkers to be given to those with physical limitations.
A dear Christian American couple living in Germany who were preparing to return to the United States, blessed the mission by donating almost their entire household furniture! This furniture will allow us to be able to furnish rooms and apartments in the mission that are presently in the renovation process. Also at this time the mission was given a large number of infant trees to be used on the Elim and Bethel properties. Praise the Lord for the American Military group that came to serve at this time, as they were able to help plant many of these trees. There have also been many brothers and sisters from across the border who bless us continually with many different kinds of food items and food packages that are used to help prepare the daily mission meals as well as bless the needy families in the community. As a Faith Mission, it is such an encouragement to see the Lord provide for so many and in so many different ways!

It was a joy to have three young adult Christians come from across the border to help minister and serve with us recently! Jéan and Melodie came from France and Merrin who came from Australia also served for time. (Merrin and Melodie have since returned home and Jéan is with us until late summer) Each of them have a heart to serve and we appreciate their hard work and joyful service, coming to Poland to give of themselves in loving service during their time here!

Though we realize that it is a little late to be sharing with you about this past Christmas outreach, we hope you will still be encouraged to be able to hear some of how the Lord used this time to bless so many of the Polish people who needed to be touched in a special way by Him.
The Christmas season is a fantastic opportunity that God gives us to get the great Message of Jesus and His Love out very clearly to many people. Government institutions that would not normally allow the bold sharing of the gospel, open it doors during Christmas with open arms allowing us in with the testimony of Gods Love. God graciously provides wonderful gifts and the opportunity to minister to those who are institutionalized. He opens up the doors for us to come in to visit with them allowing us to share the Word and Love of God with them. We praise Him for this opportunity!

We are so grateful for the many groups and individuals who each year contribute to making the Gift-packages possible, and therefore opening the doors for the Mission to bring the Love of Jesus to those around us.
It was amazing to see many of the patients devouring the Christian literature given to them even before they looked what was inside their Christmas gifts! Oh that God would save many of these dying and forgotten people. One lady commented that “if it were not for the visit, one would go insane.”
One man could not stop weeping as we shared with him how he could simply put his trust in Jesus to save him. It was obvious through his physical condition that he had but days to live, and he soaked in each word as it was given to him. Another man who received prayer and the message in a Gospel tract passed away only 3 days after the visit. We are trusting that this was God’s opportunity for him to come to salvation before he passed on.
As the team visited from bed to bed in several institutions and in the local hospital, they saw that certain hearts were already prepared for the message of Jesus, as there were many tears shed, and people open to receiving prayer.
Hundreds of people received the very simple and clear Gospel tracts that were given through the Christmas Gift-packages, hand made blankets and Food-packages this year. Our sincere thanks to all those who so lovingly spent hours upon hours of personal sacrifice and funding to provide these packages, so that the mission could enter in and bring the message of Hope to so many people. One prepares, one sows, one waters…God causes the growth!! Praise the Lord for His ways!!

We praise the Lord for each one of you, your Love, support and sacrificial giving, enabling us to serve together in this way in His plan and for His purposes and glory!
We do appreciate each and every one of you and how you give of yourselves so unselfishly!
Love and Blessings on each of you as you serve Him where he has planted you!
From all the Staff of Elim Christian Mission