August 2007
Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.
Zechariah 5:3
Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for this opportunity to be able to share some of the highlights of what the Lord has been doing through Elim Christian Mission! He has reminded us time and time again how intimately He works when the Body of Christ works together as one to accomplish ‘His’ purposes!
We have already had several groups from across the border come and minister with us this summer whose hearts have wanted so much to be able to share with those less fortunate than them selves. We had a group of (American military affiliated) Women from a church in Germany come once again to minister in various ways. One of the ministries that touch many people’s lives is a Medical mission’s team that they have been doing for the past few years. They spend 2 full days going to several of the poorer villages here in our double decker mission bus and tend to the needs of those who normally might not be able to seek medical assistance on their own (due to limited financial resources). They come with a large supply of over the counter medicines (including vitamins) that people are able to then take home with them. These women meet with and touch the lives of some 500+ people in a very special and practical way.

We have also had other (American Military affiliated) groups from Hohenfels, Vilseck, Darmstadt, Ramstein and Baumholder, Germany as well as groups from Holland, France and Tennessee, USA come and minister with us in various ways. Due to space limitations we are not able to go into detail on each group, but they each come wanting to be a blessing in the work the Lord is doing here in Poland. This can be through physical donations, renovating a home, painting a beautiful mural in the Church’s nursery, and all sorts of manual labour. We are so appreciative to those who come and their desire to be part of the work the Lord is doing here through the mission.

The mission was once again able to be involved in the towns Summer Festival this year! The double-decker bus was used to show Christian films on the upper part of the bus while the bottom and outside area was used to offer coffee and fellowship to the many people who came by. Counsel and prayer were offered for those seeking God. The mission also was given a 2 hour time block where there was a Gospel presentation on stage with song, drama, and message along with fun games for the children.
There was also free face painting available outside the bus for the children as well as two clowns who entertained them with lots of fun activities. It is a great time to meet new people in our town and to be able to share the love of Christ in a fun atmosphere.

Thank you so much to each of you who prayed for Vacation Bible School (VBS)! We had a total of over 500 kids registered throughout the first 3 days and 250 youth for the last 3 days (there were also close to 100 parents who stayed with their children during this time and were also able to hear the gospel in simple language). The group from France helped us this year as well as a Polish leadership camp that was here during that week. It is such a blessing to have this extra help as the staff needs are such a great need with so many children that come! Separate from the main meeting time there were lots of fun activities for them to enjoy such as face painting, lawn games (where they get tickets to exchange for stuffed animals), crafts, smaller group time, and new this year for the youth was wall climbing and archery (dull ends on the arrows!) During the small group time there was even a group for adults who met with the main speaker. Some of the ladies invited him to their home the next day and 3 of them prayed to give their lives to the Lord! God is so good!
During the main meeting time under a huge tent there were also lots of games, puppet shows, drama, music and a speaker to share with them about the relationship that Jesus desires to have with them. It was such a joy to be able to see the joy and smiles on the children’s faces. So many of these kids come from difficult home lives and this time is a type of ‘taste of heaven’ for them.
Please continue to pray for those who asked Jesus into their lives, as well as the spiritual seeds that were planted in others…that they would be able to grow and take root in these children’s lives!

We once again have a unique group of children here for a Camp from Belarus. We have had different aged children/youth come in the past few years and what makes them unique is that they are the only group that has visited us who come from a country that does not allow their people freedom of religion. Christians are persecuted in Belarus and part of the reason they come here to Poland is to be able to meet without fear of being reprimanded for their meetings and faith. Our freedom to be able to meet without fear of government intervention is often something that we tend to take for granted. We thank the Lord that they are able to come here and to be able to worship the Lord and teach these children the foundations of the Christian faith and what it means to have a relationship with Jesus!
Not only does the Lord bring others from across the border to help minister to the Polish people…but the Lord is also working in many of these same people’s lives in drawing them closer to Him self. An example could be seen through our last Baptism where out of 4 young ladies, 2 were Polish and the other 2 were American and Dutch.

Another example is found through the following which is taken from a letter written by our friend Pastor Klaas Snijder who recently came for a month as part of his sabbatical (extended period of rest):
“As a pastor I work in the Christian parish at Sint Jansklooster (Holland). This summer I longed for a stay at Elim. Stress had come into my life and I was totally empty, balancing on the edge of burn-out. So I went to Elim for spiritual refreshment. Here, in this God-filled atmosphere, I surely should be so near to Him that I could hear his voice. First during a service at Bethel church where I was allowed to speak I felt the Spirit so mightily working at this place and -what’s more- in me. The next time was when I was reading Deut. 10:12. “Fear the Lord thy God, walk in all His ways, and love Him, and serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul (also in Mark. 12:30). I then read Deut. 10:21: “He is thy praise and He is thy God, Him shalt thou serve”. It simply means: obey God more as people! The Word and Spirit really touched me at that moment. Thinking about those words I felt so near to the Lord and full of thankfulness and worship. I totally felt in His presence. All in me rejoiced to the Lord who found me again. What amazing grace for a sinner like me. So overwhelming that He spoke to me! Thanks to God for His everlasting love. To the Elim people I like to say: thank you for being Gods hands, eyes, ears and feet including us foreigners as well!”
We are so grateful to each of you who have been a part of the work the Lord is doing in the lives of not only the Polish people…but also in those He works in and through while they are here ministering and/or visiting with us.
Blessings in Christ, The Staff at Elim Christian Mission
- For the Lord continue to work in the lives of the children (and parents) who came for VBS.
- For the gospel to be able to be preached in countries such as Belarus and that the Lord would protect believers who lead and teach their youth. That the Word of God will continue to change people’s lives and that these people will be able to help change their country.
- For those who were baptized to be strong in their walk with the Lord.
- That the Lord would continue to use Elim as a spiritual ‘Oasis’ for all who come through these doors.
- For the Herweynen’s who are on sabbatical and will be in Australia till April 2008. Please pray that they will be refreshed in Christ and preparation for the future. Also for a special time with their 3 boys who now live there.
- For the Jedynak’s as Judy gives birth in mid September. For continued health and wisdom during these last weeks of pregnancy.